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Feather Lightwork helps you to reach your infinite potential on your Earthwalk. In a poetic way of thinking, you are a star seed, bringing the heavens down to earth. And in a literal sense, on an energetic level, your energy body is a being of light, much like a star.

Feather Lightwork supports you in self-empowerment. Self-mastery begins when you recognize the truths of who you are, freeing you to access your gifts. Celebrating your gifts, you step into your creative potential. Bringing your gifts to fruition, you grow, thrive, and flourish in this world. You honor the Creator when you honor the fullness, wholeness, and holiness of all we are, earth to star.

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” ―Carl Sagan
a red-tailed hawk soars above majestic mountains at the golden hour, detailed watercolor illustration

Feather Lightwork Services Overview

Our offerings begin with a weekly podcast and video series, designed to exemplify our main message: You are a sovereign being, and your choices directly affect your health, wealth, and connection. Knowing this is a radical concept, we reinforce it in various ways. First, we offer rich media resources in the form of words, audio recordings, videos, and images, to help you stand in empowerment as your own greatest healer, teacher, and ally.

We also offer professional services as energy medicine practitioners to support you in this area. Our services are unique to us. Feather Lightwork is a distinct method of co-facilitation between you, your higher self, and your practitioner(s). Your service will be unique to you too, because you play the most important role in your up-leveling. You may select any of our Core Services individually, or any combination of them in synergy.

Small Steps and Giant Leaps

In order to see if our paths align for an energetic exchange, we offer a FREE 10-min consultation (see our Bookings section). This consultation takes the first step of discovering your vision, so we both imagine the desired outcome. When we’re seeing eye-to-eye, we customize a co-facilitation plan based on your specific goals. From there, you will lean in any direction, leaping into a future you choose.

a blue whale swims in a beautiful sparkling ocean, detailed watercolor illustration

Core Services

Our three core services include: Energy Work, Embodiment, and Activation (click for details). Each of these service areas is a giant leap into a transformative journey. In ultra-simple terms, energy work is about paying attention to your role as a creator of your life, while observing the external influences that co-create with you. Embodiment is about setting an intention and leaning into it. Activation is about shifting orientation in highest alignment with your aspirations. These practices apply always, in all ways, to all areas of health, wealth, and connection.

Energy Work = Paying Attention

Be the sacred observer as you witness your story. Reflect and reclaim the truth of who you really are. Realize your potential, when you’re ready. Receive a sacred release, when you’re willing. Realign with your higher self, calling you toward your purpose, passion, and path. Recognize your inner energy, so you can identify the various outside energies that influence your actions, in order to take command as the creator of your life.

Your energy body shares a worldly experience with other people, animals, plants, elements… We all co-exist in a shared time and place, each with minds of our own. Just as we have our individual thoughts, experiences, and desires in life, we also have collective consciousness that influences us. Above it all is a divine mind that conducts us as a symphony. Taking all of these factors into consideration, we can see our Earthwalk is a co-creation. Paying attention helps us to find our flow, within the Flow. Each of us is a little creator, expanding upon Creation.

Embodiment = Setting Intention

Verbalize and visualize your desires. Clarify your journey and crystallize your destination. Lean into your chosen life situation in both subtle and substantial ways. Call in your greatness by invoking your divine virtues through the empowerment of Source Energy in you. Examples include: The Creative Fire, Warrior of the Light, and Sacred Medicine Cultivator.

Your energy body is in your command. Your willpower gives you the ability to make decisions and take actions that align with your intentions. With the ability to overcome challenges, temptations, and distractions, willpower is your sovereign birthright, as a child of the divine. This means you are your own best guardian and guide. You will manifest your desires in life through mental strength, determination, and self-control. You will actualize your dreams through the choices you make, day-to-day, and your virtues, over time.

Activation = Shifting Orientation

Fine-tune yourself as a divine instrument. Learn the tools that help you discern what is resonant or dissonant, so you can align with your highest timeline. Practice techniques that support you in being who you choose to be. Set new patterns into motion. Grow big ideas by planting the seeds that matter most, cultivating them, and bringing them to fruition. Focus on the areas of your life that light you up.

Your energy body grants you access to your supernature. While your physical body experiences the natural world, your energy body experiences the supernatural. Beyond conventional understanding, you hold vast “innerstanding,” i.e. inner knowing. This is the voice of the Guide Inside—your higher self—inviting you to shift your perspective, focus, and direction, toward divine alignment. Adjust your life situation. Activate your gifts. Manifest your dreams. You hold both the clock and the compass for your life, allowing you choose when and where to concentrate your energy body in any moment, in all space and time.

Energy WOrk + Embodiment + Activation

Return to the truth of who you are with a life-affirming boost of energy work, embodiment, and activation. Through this process you enable yourself to make joyful choices and live fruitfully, with the guidance and guardianship of your own holy team. This may involve an action as simple as flipping on the switch to your intuition. Or, it may require a sacred release—eliminating negative patterns, fears, grief, old stories, media programming, addictions, and the sticky residue of worldly ways.

Your energy body makes all things possible, through Source who strengthens you. A combination of energy work, embodiment, and activation gives you a spectrum of tools, programs, and practices for self-mastery, as you get to know the Guide Inside. When you stand in sovereignty, commanding your willpower, you experience spontaneous healing, miraculous insight, and love in all its forms, as directed by your higher self.

Raise your vibrational frequency by letting go of density. This sensation is often described as a “lightness.” A natural result is a beauty and brilliance that begins within and radiates out. A natural result is a lighthearted attitude of gratitude. When you return to that grateful state of being, you remember love is inside you, all around you, below and above. When you embody your higher self, love is the force that drives you forward.

a buck deer walks with three fawns in a forest meadow at the golden hour, detailed watercolor illustration

Key Benefits

  • Health
    • Listening to the body’s wisdom
    • Building healthy routines
    • Shaping new behavior patterns
    • Managing chronic pain
    • Unearthing the root causes of illness
    • Dissolving stagnant energy
    • Creating rituals of self-care and self-reliance
    • Maintaining balance and steadiness
  • Wealth
    • Thinking beyond boundaries
    • Conquering creative blocks
    • Nurturing creative gifts
    • Reaching a global marketplace
    • Boosting media visibility
    • Creating great impressions
    • Achieving financial freedom
    • Breaking free from limiting beliefs
  • Connection
    • Walking in beauty
    • Receiving divine gifts to offer the world
    • Remembering dreams and desires
    • Exploring the boundaries of time and space
    • Releasing the pressure of expectations
    • Improving self-esteem and self-worth
    • Cultivating love from within
    • Attracting friendship and companionship
Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay sharing a chair beside an altar with divine instruments

Meet the Practitioners

Feather Lightwork is the Work of Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay. They are your fellow explorers on this transformative journey. Their expertise helps seekers to embrace sovereignty—a state of holistic well-being in mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit. Together, they serve as co-facilitators for those seeking support in the realms of health, wealth, and connection.

Audrey Love is an Energetic Medicine Practitioner. Beyond her broad array of certifications as sounder healer, Reiki master-teacher, EFT practitioner, and ordained minister, her Way is true and unique to her. As a seasoned psychic medium of 25+ years, Audrey brings vast understanding of the quantum field—a source of infinite inner knowing. She is a reader of the Akashic records and a practitioner of Emotion Code Body Code. She is a light language channel, activator, and educator.

Cabe Lindsay, M.A., is a versatile artist with a prolific output in books, films, and music. He is the owner and production manager of Arise Video Studio, specializing in documentary promo videos, overseeing ~500 videos per year. Cabe’s experience as a creative professional is backed by a higher-level education, including a Master of Arts degree from The University of Texas at Austin. He is also a Level III certified Marconic practitioner. Last but not least, he is a rad daddy to three incredible kids.

a honeybee rests on a bluebonnet flower in a beautiful countryside at the golden hour, detailed watercolor illustration


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    Bloom Where You Are Planted

    Your choices directly affect your health, wealth, and connection. You may feel dizzy, spinning circles in the wheel of karma, stuck in the mad swirl, spiraling in the collective consciousness, ever-evolving but never ascending. Or, by your willpower, you will break those cycles that lead to disease, poverty, and isolation. You will be free to live fully, and you will walk in beauty. You will bloom where you are planted.