Feather Lightwork

Your sovereign path begins when you lean in the direction of your higher calling. It continues forward when you leap to run or fly in life! Following your passion is the path of least resistance. It’s almost as simple as looking and listening. That’s when the Guide Inside arrives, reminding you to stay true to your hopes, dreams, and desires. Feather Lightwork supports you in finding and refining your sovereign path.

Co-facilitators Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are with you as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. Being the little creator you are, you practice the art of creation by of setting your intention, paying attention, and shifting orientation. When you embody the limitless spirit you are, you access the Flow state—an experience of co-creation with the divine. This is a dance.

Feather Lightwork Ep. 01 – Initiation

In modern contexts, “initiation” refers to the first action steps taken when starting something new, like a project, a relationship, or a podcast. 😉 It marks the beginning of a big endeavor. The idea of initiation may include specific rituals and cultural significance, signifying personal growth, development, or transitions. These initiations reflect a positive change or a new beginning in various areas of life. As it relates to Feather Lightwork, this initiation opens the doors of your inner knowing.

The Feather Lightwork podcast is an educational video series exploring what it means to be an energy body on an Earthwalk. Our offerings support people in embracing their purpose, passion, and path. These are the keys to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. It’s all about the inner knowing that grows as we listen to the Guide Inside. This is what empowers you to be your own greatest healer, teacher, and ally.

Yes, you are a living work of art, divinely designed. Your unique creative license comes from the grace of the Artist / Maker / Creator. So create the life you desire, little creator! You are blessed with the gift of life at a place called Here at the time of Now in the frequency of Presence. Take a look at nature, and you’ll see the signs. Every cell shares a common goal of expansion. Every vibration shares a common effect of connection. This is true for you too.


Join The Journey

Feather Lightwork is here to help you discover and discern your Guide Inside. This is your own best healer, teacher, and ally in life. Our email newsletter offers reminders of your higher self to support you on your Earthwalk.

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